Monday, October 21, 2024

10/20/24- GGP- Bob's Last Game

Bob's final game in San Francisco,  for a time at least. 

Hard to believe that it is really happening.  Bob has been an institution to the game since before I started, and in true MBC form, he came to the game on happenstance and chance.

The word went out this week that it would behoove all those who had a free Sunday to show up and pay their respects.  They came out of the woodwork, that is for sure.  Probably the biggest get was Johnny Bartlett, who has not been out since a 4th of July game back a while, and not regular for even longer.  One sarcastic wag suggested that it might be worth Bob leaving if it meant Johnny started coming out again regular.  Not quite, but it would be neck and neck.  Plenty of regulars and old timers out as well, I think we hit 27 at our high point, luckily, people left early, so the game wasn't too packed.  

It was also decided that it was imperative that Bob do a Campaneris for his last game.  For those uninitiated that means that you have to play all 9 positions in the course of the game.  He did it, and he did it well.

I started for the homers and Sonny for the visitors.  We drew first blood but I had a shitty time on the bump.  I was trying to throw easy, but could not get a comfortable gasp on the strike zone.  So many 3-0 counts.  Add to that my change up was getting hammered when it was a strike, and it was not my best day.  I gave up an in-the-parker, which was walloped to center field. I think by the time that I gave it up after 4 innings, the score was 3-2, visitors.  However, we stormed back and retook the lead with a healthy dose of scoring, and when the dust settled it was 7-3, homers, and at that point, I think we started to let our guard down.

Tony came in and did a great job of righting the ship.  Sonny gave way to Dave, who was throwing hard, and then Mitch.  Tony went out after 2 innings, and Carter came in and seemed to be throwing strikes, but did not fare well.  Partly due to the fact that Ken was blinded by the setting sun at 3rd and made some overthrows, and partly because the visitors hit 3-4 triples.  I also managed to not get even close to the pop fly behind the mound that should have been mine.

I had a wave of nostalgia looking out to the outfield one inning and seeing Johnny, Bob, and JT from left to right.  A trio of MBC'ers if ever there were.  

We went into the 8th trailing 9-7, and could not seem to get back our mojo.  Bob pitched the 8th, and did a fantastic job, holding the visitors scoreless, after a lead off double by none other than Nick Smith.  He even trotted into 2nd ahead of the throw without a care in the world.  Unfortunately, that hubris was short lived, as Nick was gunned down at home, trying to score on an infield hit.

For the 9th, it was more of the same, Greg came in to close, with Bob behind the dish.  Erasto came in for the homers to get the save.  No one on either team did much of anything, and the game ended in a 9-7 final score, visitors.  

Bob was presented with two signed baseballs from the group, a lot of handshakes and hugs, and then there was not much else to do but go home, which is the goal in baseball, right?  

Bob has left an indelible mark on the MBC team, and our game won't be the same without him. Who else is going to stare down an incoming pitch, rather than move out of the way?  Who else is going to try and block a ball with their ear?  Who else is going to make grandiose trophies, and call out horseshit when they see it? Who else is going to ring up their own son, or have 5 complete baseball uniforms to wear? Who else is going to swing from their heels at a knuckleball that they know is coming, and then curse your name as it's popped up to the first baseman?

I have been playing in the MBC for 22 years at this point, longer than some, shorter than others.  It has been one of the constants in my life, and at times I have taken it for granted that the game will always be there when I want it.  As Bob says, this is a SF institution, and needs to be preserved, past and present. I agree.  I hope that there are enough of us out there that can keep it going.  I know for myself, life gets pretty full sometimes, and with all the things you have to keep in your head and on your plate, you sometimes forget that time is the real motherfucker.    And it's only going one direction. So gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

Take care Bob, thank you for you guidance and participation in our little corner of the world.  We'll catch you a little further down the trail....

Barnstorming in CO, anyone?


* We will miss you Bob

* Thanks to all that showed, and Don for making it before the game was over

* Parking sucked.  Damn music festival season.

* There were many big hits: Gabe, Chris P, Diego, New Guy, Patrick, Mitch, Mike N, Bob, Elan

* Greg's hitting tear continues!

* The Yucatan contingent grows and thrives: Santos, Erasto, Marcos

* Bob was not HBP, a gross oversight on the side of the visitors.

* This game had more near-calamities from foul balls than any other game I can think of.  We almost hit a mother and baby, 3 different women walking above, a bike, two players, and a couple that was snuggling on the grass.

* Patrick made a great catch on a foul ball behind the dish.

* JT won the award for most confidant looking near-catch.

* A good old fashioned pickle at home, with Sonny caught in the fracas.

* Let's keep the numbers up as we head into the warm SF season

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